About Us

While staying in Germany, Mark Wallraff discovered that most of the exceptional wines were crafted within the Middle-Mosel Region. When he asked some of the smaller grape growers why they didn’t sell in the US? They told him that the licensing, labeling and other regulations were to strict and time consuming to deal with. These growers sell most of their wine in Germany and had no need to look elsewhere. After going to countless wine tastings and talking with several of the Cellar Masters, he decided to form MOSELLA, for the sole purpose of producing and importing Middle Mosel Riesling wine of the highest quality to America.
There are numerous grape growers and many different vineyards, so choosing the right Riesling grapes can be very confusing. Using the unique approach of "marketing award-winning growers under one brand", MOSELLA will provide wine enthusiasts with a one-stop shop for some of the finest Riesling wines in the world.
While exploring many of the vineyards in the region looking for premium grapes, MOSELLA discovered that location does make a difference. The microclimate along the Mosel River changes with every turn. We choose the vineyards that align to the south for all of our grapes.
All of the wines that MOSELLA produces are of the highest quality and come from the following Grand Cru vineyards; the Wehlener Sonnenuhr, the Graacher Himmelreich and Domprobst, the Bernkasteler Lay and Graben, the Brauneberger Juffer and Juffer Sonnenuhr and the Piesporter Goldtröpfchen and Domherr. They are from premier Bernkasteler Ring growers, which currently do not sell in the U.S.
Our winemakers focus on moderate yields, selective harvesting in autumn, gentle pressing and minimal handling in the cellar up to the optimal point of maturation. We let the winemakers, make beautiful, handcrafted wines and we do the rest. Our partnership gives American consumers access to superior wine at a competitive price.
Because MOSELLA has an office in Bernkastel, we personally maintain relationships with our growers and exhaustively involve ourselves with the growing, selection, pressing, fermentation and bottling process.
Thank you, for the interest that you have shown in our company.